Mental disorders that loneliness can lead to

Probably everyone has had to go through a life stage in which there were so few people present that it seemed like the whole world had turned its back on you. Often time spent alone with yourself helps to gather your thoughts and deal with difficult life issues. The problem arises if loneliness is prolonged and begins to affect our psyche. We decided to talk to an expert to understand what consequences for our psyche can lead to the absence of not only a soulmate, but also constant social contacts.

Anxiety disorder

Man is a social creature who needs communication in one form or another. Complete isolation inevitably leads to mental disorders. But in a large city, even if you want to, it is difficult to isolate yourself from the world, and therefore most often the loneliness of the city dweller is difficult to call complete. However, if there is no trusted person around for a long time, we begin to feel anxious feelings that can grow at an incredible rate. If you do not deal with your mental health, you may develop panic attacks.


Mental disorders that loneliness can lead to

A dangerous condition that in most cases requires the intervention of a specialist. Long absence of contact with people, especially with those with whom you can share your inner feelings, leads to the fact that chemical changes begin to occur in the brain, which leads a person to depression. At some point, a person stops looking for ways to communicate or find a soul mate. If you notice such a condition in a loved one, do not stay away, depression in a protracted form can lead to very dangerous consequences.

Problems with self-esteem

It can not be said that the “sagging” of self-esteem is a full-fledged disorder, but with prolonged loneliness, self-image can change dramatically. It seems that no one is interested in you and, in general, this will always be the case. In this situation come the thoughts that it’s really something wrong with us, because everyone around us finds ways to communicate in one way or another. The more you criticize yourself for being insecure and “defective”, the more difficult it will be for you to restore your self-value, and therefore do not be afraid to seek help from professionals.
